It's along the lines of D-Day. The reason they have that is more for referential time for coordinating events. For instance, with D-Day, a lot of other operations were planned, not in reference to June 6, but instead the invasion date. So if they moved the invasion date they didn't have to revise plans for peripheral events. Such and such was to take place D -3. Such and such was supposed to be on D +2. Etc.So rockets are supposed to start at, for example, T -10 minutes rather than planned to start at 2:13pm just in case something delays the liftoff by a couple minutes.
What does T minus mean? Whether they are sending humans to space or just an unmanned satellite, NASA commonly employs the term ‘T-minus’ during the preparation and lead-up to a space launch. It’s essentially a countdown, i.e., a sequence of reverse counting that signifies the ‘time remaining’ before the exact moment when a scheduled. What does T-minus — mean? T-minus — is defined by the lexicographers at Oxford Dictionaries as Used to indicate that a specified amount of time remains before an event is scheduled or expected to take place.
Lmao, wow OK - View image here: - that was different.Oh, and with some strange googling work I found a GREAT source to document my complete fabrication that's apparently actually right:apparently:T minus Time (T-X) - countdown clock time; T-0is launch time; time prior to the scheduled launchtime not including built-in holds in the countdown;normally measured only in second, minute, andhourSo it is basically Time of event, or at least it's not just 'takeoff,' which it seems like it would be if it were only for takeoff type things. What event T-0 refers to seems to just depend on context.oki, back to YOUR toasted titties, people. Ouch, count me out, I'd say I prefer to keep mine untoasted.
Warhammer spells. You can overcast by double clicking the spell. The effects can be read in the tooltip when double cliking or inspecting the Lore spell book (quick access it right clicking a spell), but the most common are increased damage, increased duration, additional buffs, additional debuffs or area of effect (if originall single target).For instance, you want to use regular cast Wind Blast against light armored troops, but if you want to damage armored enemies then try to overcast it and see how it works wonders, as overcast Wind Blast adds armor piercing damage. They cost more Winds of Magic and have a small chance to hurt the caster. Most spells can be overcast but not all.
One more way to end up with sore tits is not needed, thanks.rav.
It's origin stems from the 'T minus ____ seconds/minutes/hours etc.' announced for important events, such as New Year's ball dropping, bombs going off, or in this case a shit-storm.
When T Minus is yelled, followed by a time for more accuracy, it is imperative to get him/her to the nearest restroom or else all hell will break loose, or just their bowels perhaps.
Frank: 'DRIVE FASTER MATT! We can make it to that 7-11's bathroom in time!'
Matt: 'Man, they're gonna need a new toilet soon.'
John: 'I.. can't breathe. Frank. if I don't make it, tell my family how I died.'
Matt: 'You're gonna be OK! Stay with us!'
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