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Full text of '.»^^^^AIM'9^w^^mwdMriIL^m'-1^' l^^^^f^^,^,/^^Af^.^ ^r'■■ A A ^ ' '. )r ^S^JS^A^C'TTCi^rc^^^^^^r^^o^^^A^g-^yM^^f^^^y^rs^rrn(^.^':Anj. ■:^ -^ ^j ■■ Vl M^^j^^f^.n;iS./';^'^^^'imDigitized by the Internet Archivein 2007 with funding fromIVIicrosoft Corporation^:Madrid, 1641.#. This work was rigidly suppressed as soon as published, in order toprevent any copy falling into the hands of tbe enemy, who had justwrested the province from Spain, and probably not a dozen copiesescaped destruction.

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Col, Stanley's sold for £16 and this copy for£14 at these Eooms in March, 1864.B19270296 Adam (E.) Buins of the Emperor Diocletian's Palace at Spalatro, platesatlas folio. 17647 Adams (J.) Analysis of Horsemanship, 3 yoI. Portrait and plates,half bound Svo. 18058 Adams (J.) Anatomy and Diseases of the Prostrate Gland 8vo. 18539 Adams (J. Writing Master, JDeptford) Opus Praecipuum, or Com-plete Set of Alphabets, ancient and modern, 2 vol.yiKSV^cvtiVT, a curious specimen of caligraphy, calf gilt, 8yo.

Six10 Addison (J.) Evidences of the Christian Eeligion, 1730 — Eemarka onItaly, russia, 1736 — Miscellaneous 'Works, 3 vol. Calf 1753 —Dictionary of the Bible, 1796 — Towgood (M.) on Dissent, portrait,1811 12wo. (5)11 Addison's Autograph. Casa (Giovanni della) Eime et Prose, havingon titlepage ' J. Addison, Sep'.

28, 1700,' and on fly-haves 8^- pagesin his AUTOGEAPH, Venetia, 1563 — Casae (J.) Galateus, numerouspassages marked ly Addison and quoted in Tatler, Ouardian, Sfo.HanovicB, 1619,red morocco, g. In red morocco case small 8yo. In one vol. A most interesting memorial of England's chief essayist.12 Adelung (J. C.) Auszug aus dem grammatisch-kritischen Worterbucheder Hochdeutschen Mundart, 4 vol.calf extra roy. Leipzig, 1793-180213 Adelung (J.

C.) Mithridates oder allgemeine Sprachenkunde mit demVater Unser als Sprachprobe in bey nahe 500 Sprachen undMundarten, 4 vol. Berlin, 1806-1714 Adolphus (J.) Memoirs of John Bannister, Comedian, 2 vol. Portrait,with 5 autograph letters of Adolphus and his portrait added, Svo. 183915 Adventures of a Valet, 2 vol.

Calf extra 12mo. 175216 Advice to Julia iu Ehyme foolscap Svo. 182017 Adye (W.) Musical Notes post Svo. 186918 -Slfric Society's Publications, 3 vol.half morocco, uncut, top edges gilt Svo. 1843-4619 JEsop's Fables, with Life, 2 vol. Very fine impressions of the 112 plates,green morocco extra, g.

Aitken imperial Svo. 179320 jEsop's Fables in Chinese, by Mun Mooy Seen-Shang, w^ith a free and aliteral Translation by his Pupil Sloth, half calf, folio. Canton, 184021 Agassiz (L.) and A. Gould, Principles of Zoology, woodcuts, 12mo.Boston, U.S. 1848 — Agassiz (L.) and A.

Gould, Outlines ofcomparative Physiology, 390 woodcuts, tree-marhled extra, fcap. Svo.1855 (2)22 Ainger (A.) on Cast-Iron Trusses, plate, Svo. 1825 — Building Act, withNotes and Cases by A. Ainger, plate, fcap. 1830calf gilt Svo. In one vol.23 Akerblad (J. D.) sur I'lnscription de Eosette, plates, Svo.

Paris, 180224 Akermau (J. Y.) Tales of other Days, unth illustrations by G. Cruikshank,half morocco, uncut, top edges gilt crown Svo. 183025 Alberti (L. B.) Architecture, Painting and Statuary, translated by J.Leoni, engravings by Picart, calf folio. 175526 Albin (E.) Natural History of English Song-Birds, part of E i in MS.calf, sold loith all faults small 8i?o. 177927 Alciphron's Epistles (translated by W.

179128 Alcoran des Cordeliers en Latin et en Francois, 2 vol. Plates ly Picart,fine copy in green morocco, g. Hy Derome 12mo. 173429 Aldrich (H.) Elements of Civil Architecture in Latin, with EnglishTranslation by Eev. Smith, portrait and plates,russia ray. Oxford, 178930 Ale. The Ex-Ale-tation of Ale (in Verse),fine copy in red morocco extra, g.

Bedford small Svo. 1671.^. Eare. This copy sold for £2. Smith's sale.31 Alfieri (V.) Vita scritta da esso, 2 o.poi't. Jialfcalf, Svo. Firenze, 182232 Alfred (King) Will in Anglo-Saxon and English, 1828— Boethius'Metres in Anglo-Saxon by King Alfred, with English Translationand Notes by Eev.

Eox, 1835, calf gilt Svo. In one vol.33 Alfred's (King) Poems in English Metres by M. Tapper, 12mo.

185034 Allies (J.) on the Ignis fatuus and Eairies, half morocco Svo. 184035 Allot (E.) England's Paekassus: or the choysest Flowers of ourModerne Poets, slightly cut in margins, hut has at end the rare leaf' Eames windy trump,' mentioned hy Lowndes as frequently loaniingand justly so, as it is undoubtedly inserted from some other work hya totally different printer),calf, sold with all faults, very scarce IGmo.

1600.^. Containing extracts from Shakespeare, Spenser, Gascoigne, Dekker,Chapman, Lodge, Marlowe, Ben Jonson, Daniell, Drayton and othereminent Poets. The Eoxburghe copy sold for £21, Gr. Smith'sfor £14. Stanley's for £13. ISs.3G Allott (E.) England's Paenasstjs: or the choysest Elowers of ourModerne Poets, tvith the rare dedication signed Bohert Allott,red morocco extra, g. 160037 Alphabeta varia, scilicet; Brammhanicum, Bomce, 1771 — Indica, ih.

1791— Armenura, ih. 1784 — jEthiopicura, ih. 1789 — Cophtum, ib. A. Speedlink sl 6825 srd drivers for mac. -Chaldaicum (Estranghelo), ih.

1636 — Hebraicura et Saraaritanum,ih. 1771 — Grandonico-Malabaricum, ih. 1772 — Barmanorum EegniArensis, ih.

1787 — Illyricum et Slavonicum, ih. 1783 — Grjecum, ih.1771— Etruscum, ih. 1771— Arabicum, ih. 1715— Persicum, ib. 1783small Svo.

In 2 vol,38 Amadis de Gaijle, written in French by the Lord of Essars Nicholasde Herberay, and Englished by A. Munday, 4 vol. In 1,title mended, else fine copy in blue morocco extra, g. A very rareromance of chivalry in prose folio. OTces,'^S-Q89 Amadis of Gaul, by Yasco Lobeira (translated by E.

Southey), 4 vol.calf extra 12mo. 180340 America. Mundus Novus, Albericus Vespucius Laurentio Petri deMedicis salutem plurimam dicit,beautiful copy of a very rare edition of the Latin version of Vespucius' scelebrated letter, red morocco extra, g. Bedfordsmall 4:to. Magister johdnes otmar: vindelicc impressit Auguste^ 150141 America, or an exact Description of the 'West-Indies, by N.

Map,calf gilt IQmo. 165542 Amoris EflBgies, autograph of ' Narcissus Luttrell, His Book, 1681 '48?»o, Excudebat R. A.43 Amory (T.) Life of John Buncle, old gilt russia Suo. 175644 Amours des Dames illustres de nostre Siecle, plates, with frontispiecedated 1681,morocco extra, gilt marbled edges, hy Niedree, small Vlmo. 4Jologne, 1680%.

This rare edition, which is totally diflferent from any described byBrunet, contains Alosie, Le Palais Royal, Histoire de I'amour feintedu Koi pour Madame, La Princesse, Le Perroquet, Junonie, Lesfausses Prudes, La D^route et I'Adieu des Eilles de Joie, and LePasse- temps Eoyal.45 Amusemens serieux et comiques 24mo. 1629 pro 172946 Anacreon et Sapho, en Grec et en Franfois, avec des Eemarques parMadame Dacier 12mo. 171647 Anderson (C.) Annals of the English Bible, woodcuts,half morocco 8vo. 186248 Anderson (E.) Ballads in the Cumberland Dialect, with Notes andGlossary, frontispiece, calf extra foolscap 8vo. Wigion, 180849 Andeeini (Gio. Batista) L'Adamo Sacra Eepresentatione, portraitand plates by Gesare Bassani,FiKST EDITION, EXTEEMELT EAEE, fnc copy, in bluc viorocco, g.

E.with tooled border small 4obertPeirce, corner of the plan of Bath hy Gillmore torn off',morocco extra, g. Bristol, 16971G9 Bath. Poetical Amusements at a Villa near Bath, fiest editiokfrontispiece crown 8t'o. Bath, 1775170 Bath. Eebellion in Bath in two Cantos 4to.

1808171 Bath. Register of Folly at Bath and the Hot 'Wells (in Verse) /ron^.half calf gilt foolscap Hvo. Verses on the Death of Sir B.

Grenville, slaine by the RebelUon Landsdown-Hill near Bath small ito. Printed 1643.^. Lowndes mentions two other Editions printed at Oxford in 1643, butnot this.13173 Bath. Verses by the University of Oxford on the Death of Sir B.Grenvill alias Granvill slain on Lansdown Hill, jine portrait,calf extra, g.

168417-1 Bath. View of Bath, representinj^; Facts, j^or^ratV of Allen ^ View ofGuildhall and Market-place on title 8vo.

Bath, 1813175 Bath. Wonders of a Week at Bath, thick paper,calf extra, uncut, top edge gilt crown 8vo. 1811176 Batiasier (L.) Histoire de I'Art Monumental dans I'Antiquite et auMojen Age suivie d'un Traite de la Peinture sur Verre, with illustrations those of stained glass coloured),half morocco extra imp. Paris, 1845177 Battaile fought betweene Count Maurice of Nassaw and AlbertusArch-duke of Austria, nere Newport in Flaunders, the XXII ofJune, 1600, loith the folding plate, a fine specimen of modern bindingin red morocco, toith joints, blue leather linings, richly ornamentedwith gold tooling, g. Rare small 4:to. Printed by P.

1600178 Bay (C. F.) Dansk og Engelsk Haand Lexicon,half morocco, uncut 8vo.

Kjobenhavn, 1824179 Bayley (J.) History and Antiquities of the Tower of London, 2 vol.plates, half russia, uncut, top edges gilt 4:to. 1821-25180 Beadel (J.) Scraps worth remembering, loith two autograph notes fromauthor's son added, calf extra roy. 1864. Printed for private circulation only.181 Beale (T.) on the Sperm Whale, morocco extra, g. 1835182 Beattie (J.) Evidences of the Christian Eeligion, crown 8vo.

1806 —Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiastical, with 39 Articles, 12mo,1827 — Ingoldsby Letters, Second Series, crown 8vo. 1858-59 —Bussieres (T. De) Conversion of M. Eatisbonne, foolscap 8vo.1855 (4)183 Beatty (W.) Narrative of the Death of Lord Nelson, laege papee,proof portrait, calf extra, g.

1807184 Beaufort (F.) Karamania, plans, views, 8fc.half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt 8vo. 1817185 Beaumarchais (M. De)-Le Barbier de Seville,half morocco, g. Paris, 1776186 Beaumarchais (M.

De) La folle Journee ou le Mariage de Figaro,j/?weplates, morocco extra, broad dentelle borders, rare, roy. Paris, 1785187 Beck (T.

A.) History and Antiquities of Furness, plates,half morocco, uncut roy. 1844188 Beckford (W.) Biographical Memoirs of extraordinary VamtQTa, portraitadded, calf extra, g. By Zcshnsdorf post 8vo. 1780189 Beckford (W.) Vathek (in French) //-ow^. CaZ/ eaj^ro, crown 8vo. 1815190 Beckford (W.) Italy with Sketches of Spain and Portugal, 2 vol. 1834— ^Eecollections of an Excursion to the Monasteries of Alcoba9aand Batalha, portrait, 1835,fre^-marbled calf extra, g.

Mackenzie 8»0. (3)14101 Beckmann (J.) History of Inventions and Discoveries translated byW. Johnston, 4 vol. 1817192 Becon (T.) Reliques of Rome,lilacfe letter, woodcut portrait, title mended and sligldhf wormed, Huemorocco, g.

John Daye, 15G3193 Bed^ (Venerabilis) Histoeia Ecclesiastica. Gektis Angloettm,FIEST EDITION, very fine copy in morocco extra, g. Lewis,exteemelt eaee, fol. Sine ulla nota sed Argent.

Eggesteyn circa 1473%. Lord Spencer's copy was considered almost unique, and Dr. Dibdinsays ' This book is at present a d^esideratum in perhaps every publicand private library in England.' Heber's copy sold for £40.194 Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle,edited by J.

Giles, map foolscap 8do. 1847195 Bedford (F.) Photogeaphic Pictuees made during the Tour in theEast, in which he accompanied H.E.H.

The Prince of Wales, 175plates in Z portfolios atlas folio. 186219G Behara (S.) Discs buchlein zeyget an und lernet ein masz oder pro-porcion der Eoss,black letter, woodcuts, morocco extra, g. Nurmherg, 1528197 Behn (Mrs.) The 'Widdow Ranter, or the History of Bacon in Virginia,a Traji Comedy (with a Prologue by Mr. Dryden)FIEST EDITION AtO.

1690.^. The rarest of all the original Editions of Mrs. Behn's DramaticWritings, which was not represented till after her death. The plot of thePlay is laid at James Town, in Virginia, and the characters presentus with a curious picture of the manners, &c. At that time prevalentthere.198 Behn (Mrs.) Histories and Novels, 2 vol. Portrait 12mo.

1722199 Beil (J. A.) Der neue Eriedhof von Frankfurt, platesoUong folio. Frankfurt, 1829200 Beke (C. T.) Idol in Horeb croion, 8t?o.

1871201 Beke (C. T.) Origines Biblicae, vol. 1834202 Beke (C.

T.) Enquiry into A. D'Abbadie's Journey to Kaffii to discoverthe Nile, map, 1850; with other Tracts by Beke, and 3 autographnotes from E. Brayley and G. Beke added,half calf gilt 8vo. In one vol.203 Beke (C. T.) British Captives in Abyssinia, maps and plates, withauthor's autograph note 8ro.

1867204 Bell (J.) Rhymes of Northern Bards, plates, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1812— Garland of Northumberland Heroes, ib. 1814 — Figures in Rhymes,ih. 1814 — Contented Couckould, woodcuts, ib. — Garland of Bells,ib. 1815, vellum, uncut 12mo. In one vol.205 Bellianis of Geeece or the Honour of Chivalry now newly writtenby Francis Kirkman, 3 Parts in 1,blacfe lettet, frontispiece, calf extra, g. Bedfordsmall ito.

1620G Bellingham (J.) Conversation with D. Wilson, portrait, 1812 — Trial,toith portrait of Rt. Perceval and Monument added, 18128ro. In one vol.207 Bellori (G. P.) Vite de' Pittori, Scultori et Architetti modLerrn., portraitsand vignettes 4ito. Boma, 1672208 Bellori (G.

P.) Descrizione dellelmmaginidipinte daEaffaelle d'TJrbinoe Vita del medesimo KaflFaelle descritta da G. Vasari, portrait,vellum IQmo. Soma, 1751209 Belsham (T.) Progress of Error concerning the Person of Christ, 1805;and G other Tracts by Belsham and G.Wakefield in the volume Svo.210 Benedictine Yesperal 2imo. Bath, 1859211 Benlowes (E.) Quarleis, engraved title hy Marshall,morocco, g. 1635%. This is only the portion of the first Edition of Quarles's Emblemscontaining Benlowes' Latin Poem, which however is seldom found withthe Emblems.212 Bentham (J.) History of Ely Cathedral, with Supplement by W.Stevenson,2 vol. Portrait and plates,half morocco, uncut royal 4to.


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